How it all Began
Godfre, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, and the "I AM" Activity of Saint Germain Foundation

Godfre meets Saint Germain on the side of Mount Shasta
Unveiled Mysteries
"It was through Saint Germain’s Assistance that I was privileged to have the experiences recorded in this Series of Books. A Way to make contact with the ‘Light,’ Its All-Knowing Omnipresence, and Unerring Activity was revealed to me, and I give It to the reader in these pages. -Godfre Ray King, I AM Teachings, Saint Germain Foundation
Those who do accept the Truth herein recorded will find a new and powerful ‘Force’ entering their lives. Each copy carries with it this ‘Mighty Presence,’ Its Radiation and Sustaining Power. All who study these pages honestly, deeply, sincerely, and persistently, will know and make contact with the Reality of that Presence and Power.” -Godfre Ray King
This Ascended Master Law of the “I AM” is the Only Way provided by Life to raise the activity of human beings into the next Octave of Life above the human. It is the Only Way by which individuals can correct the mistakes of the past and go forward free from them in the future.
“Only fragments of the real understanding of the “I AM Presence” have been given to the outer world—until now.”
Godfre's remarkable Experiences with Saint Germain continue . . .
The Magic Presence
". . . the second group of experiences which I was privileged to have, through the Love and Assistance of the Beloved Master Saint Germain. My Experiences were the results of applying the Knowledge Saint Germain had previously revealed in Unveiled Mysteries." -Godfre Ray King
“The purpose of this Book is to reveal to the individual the whereabouts of his own Divine Self, God, the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ that all who desire may return to their Source, receive their Eternal Inheritance, and feel once again their Divine Self Respect.”
“In the various Retreats of the Great White Brotherhood which we visited, I was shown the Tremendous Work They do for mankind through Their Messengers who are sent into the outer world."
"The good They constantly pour out to this Earth and its humanity is beyond any power of words to describe."
-Godfre Ray King
“If the student or reader of this Book will feel himself going through these same experiences, asking the Ascended Masters to illumine his consciousness by the Light of the Cosmic Christ, he will receive that Outpouring of Love which is the Open Door to all good things, and which sets mankind free.” -Godfre Ray King
“It is the most important Understanding mankind can ever have; and there is no Freedom nor Perfection for the individual—except through this conscious application.”
Saint Germain, The “I AM” Discourses, Volume 3
The Ascended Masters Dictate over the Light and Sound Rays
The "I AM" Discourses
The sound of Saint Germain's Voice was physically audible to everyone in the room.
At times, His Visible, Tangible Presence also stood within the room.
“The need of protection and help for the children of Earth is so great at the present hour that the Great Ascended Masters and Legion of Light have released this Inner Understanding of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ into the outer Life of mankind."
"All who want the ‘Light’ and will make conscious effort to attain their own Freedom and Mastery may have the Assistance which will give them the Eternal Victory." -Godfre Ray King
“This Book not only carries the Ascended Masters’ Understanding of the ‘I AM,’ but is charged with Saint Germain’s Ascended Master Consciousness and the Ray of Light and Love from His Heart. . . .” -Godfré Ray King
Saint Germain dictated more than thirty-three Discourses in which he explains what happens in the outer Life of the individual when one says, “I AM.” He also says: “Nothing will bless the individual to so great a degree as the conscious Understanding of this ‘Creative Word.’ ”
“Never before, except in the Retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, has such intensified, transcendent Instruction concerning the ‘I AM’ been given to individuals. ”
Godfre Ray King