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Unveiled Mysteries 

Volume 1 of our Saint Germain Series, by Godfre Ray King, published by Saint Germain Press, and the the introduction to the Ascended Masters' "I AM" Teachings. Click here to read.

When finished, continue with:

The Magic Presence

Volume 2 - by Godfre Ray King. Click here to read.


The "I AM" Discourses 

Volume 3 - by Ascended Master Saint Germain. Click here to read.


All three titles are also available in audio, print, and digital format  at

Contact us via chat or the contact form below, and we will put you in touch with your nearest local “I AM” Sanctuary, Temple, or Reading Room. The member in charge, the Sponsor, will be happy to answer any questions you may have, talk to you further about the Teachings, and how to get started with Introductory Lessons, or Classes.

 “These Books contain the Eternal Law of Life, and will remain the Law for humanity and the Earth for thousands of years to come.”

Lotus Ray King

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  • What are Decrees?
    In the "I AM" Activity members are taught to use the Authority and Power of God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," to decree what they want manifest in their beings and world. In giving Decrees, one should realize that he is really talking to the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" – God in Action. A Decree is either a Fiat of the Voice of the "I AM Presence" speaking through us, or a direct Call to the "Presence" and the Ascended Host for the help we require. The Scripture says, "Decree a thing and it shall be established unto you." That was the edict of the Godhead in the beginning. Mankind has long, long forgotten it. Decreeing is a more powerful form of prayer.
  • What is the purpose of visualizing?
    “True visualization is God’s attribute and Power of Sight acting in the mind of man. When one consciously pictures in his mind a desire he wishes fulfilled, he is using one of the most powerful means of bringing it into his visible, tangible experience. ” Beloved Saint Germain
  • Who are the Ascended Masters?
    The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no figment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing beings of such Love, Wisdom, and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the Universe with complete freedom and limitless power, to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural. They are wielders of such power and manipulators of such force, as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. They are the guardians of the race. And, as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity and then beyond, preparing him for special work, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual that he, too, may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary human expression. Thus, he develops his superhuman attributes until, like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expressionof his divinity.
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